• Heal your past

  • & reprogram your mind
  • Say Goodbye to Self Doubt & Anxiety

  • and enjoy Self Belief & Freedom
  • And welcome the

  • BEST version of YOU

Heal your past

& reprogram your mind

Say Goodbye to Self Doubt & Anxiety

and enjoy Self Belief & Freedom

And welcome the

BEST version of YOU Join me NOW!

Lynn Laz - Certified ICF PCC Life Coach & CBT Therapy Specialist

About Me

Coaching/CBT Therapy/Mentoring

Book a 30 mins Free Discovery Call

Healing and coaching is all about YOU. It’s about discovering who you are, what are your core beliefs about yourself, increase your self-awareness, change what you feel you need to change, love yourself more and decide where you want to go and what do you want to reach.

Find out more here.

Self Love Packages

  • دليل حب الذات - دليل حب الذات
    Self Love Guide دليل حب الذات
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  • مصنف Self Love - تمارين حب الذات
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  • تأكيدات الذات - تأكيدات الذات
    Self Love Affirmations
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  • حزمة Self Love (حزمة كاملة) - المجموعة الكاملة لحب الذات
    Self Love Guide | Self Love Package | Self Love Workbook | Self Affirmations
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Some Testimonials

"I was burnt out and did not know it. I had been wanting to seek help and could not physically and mentally bring myself to do so. Except one day after following Lynn on social media for over a year I finally decided to take that 30 min free consultation, it was her genuine spirit that radiated from her videos that made me want to seek help from her. I was going to back out 10 mins before that appointment but forced myself to do so because I was skeptical that I was even “fixable”. In 20 mins Lynn was able to pinpoint and understand my very tangled thoughts. If you are reading this, you should know that I have been working with Lynn ever since that consultation. In such a short period, I have noticed so many changes in my attitude, behavior, and way of viewing life. Lynn’s sessions have changed me in so many amazing ways and I can’t wait to continue working with her, I know this is just the beginning and the best is yet to come.

Lynn’s patience, commitment, attention to detail, empathy and the list can go on, has made my weekly sessions something I wait for. It baffles me how she is so professional yet makes you feel like you are talking to a friend or sister. That makes it so much easier to be open and vulnerable, especially knowing that you won’t ever be judged. I am SO GRATEFUL that I took this step with Lynn.

If you are stuck and don’t know whether you need a life coach or a confidant, schedule that first meeting, talk with her as a friend, you will thank me later! "



كوتش لين... من أحلى النعم الي الله رزقني ياها بحياتي ... شخص بعتبره أخت وأم وصديقة وكوتش ومعلم وخبير وفوق كل هدول شخص كتير مهضوم..
بتعرفو لما العالم بقولولك ما حدا بيفهمك مية بالمية غير حدا مارق بنفس تجربتك أو
شخص كتير بحبك... أنا مع الكوتش لين بحس إنو بتفهمني أكتر من حالي بتسمع أصواتي الداخلية الي أوقات كتير ما بكون قادرة اسمعها بتعيدلي ترتيب الافكار والاحداث بالطريقة الصحيحة الي بتفيدني وبتغير نظرتي صح أوقات ممكن ننزعج من المعتقدات القديمة الي عنا ونشعر بالاحباط بس طول ما الكوتش معنا موجودة رح نضل
حاسين بالامل بالتغيير الي عم نحلم فيه إنو رح يصير بوقت قريب ونحنا علينا بالسعي
والله رح يبعتلنا الرزق بأي طريقةز.. شكرا لوجودك بحياتي وشكرا إنك بتساعديني
بقلب نقي وبشغف وبحب وبروحك الحلوة


I started my coaching sessions with Lynn to work on a personal matter that limited me from progressing. Within 3 months, Lynn helped me identify my negative patterns and provided me with techniques and strategies that I can apply whenever I realise my particular obstacle. This helped me correct my thought process and I noticed improvement in how I handle things. Sessions with Lynn were in a safe environment which definitely helped me share personal things easily with her.  Lynn is very professional, a great listener, and a wonderful human being. I highly recommend taking coaching sessions with her if you are stuck somewhere in your life and you need someone to push you forward, especially if you want to inhibit negative thoughts that affect your progress in life!I started my coaching sessions with Lynn to work on a personal matter that limited me from progressing. Within 3 months, Lynn helped me identify my negative patterns and provided me with techniques and strategies that I can apply whenever I realise my particular obstacle. This helped me correct my thought process and I noticed improvement in how I handle things. Sessions with Lynn were in a safe environment which definitely helped me share personal things easily with her.  Lynn is very professional, a great listener, and a wonderful human being. I highly recommend taking coaching sessions with her if you are stuck somewhere in your life and you need someone to push you forward, especially if you want to inhibit negative thoughts that affect your progress in life!


When they say coaching changes lives, they truly mean it. One of the best decisions that I've took in my life is starting coaching and mentoring with Lynn. She is a truly great person and what I loved the most is that I can have a mentor and a coach in the same time, which is not something easy to find nowadays and I personally needed both. I changed on all levels. My whole mindset changed and the way I view things around me, my relationship with food improved, I discovered the actual meaning of self love and self worth, I was able to achieve everything I wanted by believing in myself and embracing my vulnerabilities. I really recommend you starting that wonderful journey with her. THANK YOU LYNN.


I was a having an emotional issue in my life and I took a decision to solve it and get out of it and try to know the reason behind having this issue, and I was looking for a life coach to help me know all the answers that I had on my head, one day I was scrolling on Instagram and I stopped watching a video of "coach lynn laz" speaking about "Toxic Positivity " and I was amazed by her information and how real they are... So, I took the decision and started with her my journey, all what I can say is that her professionalism, commitment and her empathy are really rare, as I tried a life coach before and it was never the same.. My weekly coaching sessions are my favorite hours of the week as I can speak freely how I feel and know all the answers that I really need.
Thank you so much "Lynn "for your professionalism and your empathy. I always thank God that he led me to a Great coach like you.


I first reached out to Lynn to work on one specific part of my life and that’s it. Currently, over 7 months into coaching, we have touched on soooo many aspects of my life and my personality. I can very confidently say that I consider myself a different person. Literally. The way the old me would deal with any situation, thought or obstacle is completely different now. Coaching with Lynn means allowing yourself to be fully vulnerable and open with a person who will TRULY not judge you. HEr sessions changed my life, and I know that I will continue to grow even more through my sessions with her. Would recommend 101 times.


"Lynn is an amazing coach! With her deep questions she challenges me to uncover stuff that I was hiding inside for years. I like that she is not only a life coach, but she is also a CBT Therapy Specialist which allows her to go back to the past, where most of our stuf are left stuck and affects our today’s actions. I feel very comfortable being vulnerable with her. I also like the friendly relationship between us. I can’t wait to uncover all my issues and plant new seeds with her help. I don’t care how long my journey will take, Lynn will be with me in achieving my self-love and healing journey. "


At first, I was very confused about seeking help as I always believed that no one could understand me, but after the first discovery call with Lynn, I was surprised how much I felt comfortable with her and how much she was able to understand me. She listens to you with zero judgments, she asks curious questions that help you discover things about yourself that you never ever thought of. I really recommend her to anyone wanting to change their life and improve themselves. One of the best things I did was starting my sessions with her. Thank you lynn.


The Best thing I did 3 months ago was scheduling a Discovery call with Lynn and BOOM, I met my amazing life coach! She is trustworthy, always encouraging, and a patient and insightful guide through life experiences in pursuit of goals and dreams. She has supported me during a time when I had to make extremely challenging life decisions. Lynn has a beautiful spirit. She is very professional yet very friendly. Most importantly she is so down to earth and does not suggest solutions out of this world with sugar-coated speeches. I have always watched videos from life coaches and influencers and honestly couldn’t relate at all to any of them. What we all need is those real day-to-day tips on handling our daily challenges. What I loved the most is normalizing feeling unwell, having anxiety, phobias, overthinking, etc.. understanding that it is Ok not to be ok, is the first step towards healing. Make that decision, Take that step, Schedule your first call and you would Never regret it

You owe it to yourself !


Corporate Coaching & Trainings

If interested to develop, encourage and maximize your employee’s potential, email me on hello@pointalalynn.com to find out how we can maximize your team’s potential.


Self Love

"Once I reach XX weight, once I fix my nose and my face, I will go get a new hair cut, wear shorts, date and I will have the sense of satisfaction that I've always wanted." Well, you deserve to love yourself now & just the way you are.

Find out more here

Feel Your Feelings

Do you feel your feelings? like all of them? While appreciating the good, do you hide from the bad? Because you need to feel ALL of your feelings.

Find out more here

Toxic Positivity

Is it really positivity? Or maybe toxic positivity?

Find out more here


لين عبد الغني اللاظ: بهذه الطرق تخطيت الأنوركسيا وحولت ضعفي إلى قوة

إقرأ المزيد

دينا زين الدين - هيَا

Point à la Lynn: From anorexia to self-love

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Ryme Alhussayni - Annahar

منذ فترة وجيزة، قررت لين استثمار خبرتها في السوشال ميديا للتوعية بشأن الأنوركسيا

إقرأ المزيد

هدى حبيش - المدن

Ever had someone say something about your weight or food choices that was NOT welcome?

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Baraa el Sabbagh - B for Better Health

The obsession started when I all I cared about was not gaining weight, I wanted to maintain it.

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Yara Jaber - Beirut.com

When I was Anorexic, I never felt as “FAT” as when I was at my THINNEST.

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Nala Zock - Medium.com